- What does the Ninja Nerd Membership include?+
When you become a member at any subscription tier, you will be receiving our digital illustrations of each and every whiteboard lecture. This will include both Zach and Kristin’s lectures on science, medicine, and nursing. The resources provided will include the whiteboard prior to starting the lecture (Template), and the whiteboard at the conclusion of the lecture (Key).
You will also receive a complete write up of the entire lecture’s notes on Zach and Kristin’s lectures on science medicine, and nursing. The notes will be in a PDF format and will also include the peer-reviewed sources we used.
You will be receiving over 800 digital illustrations in the highest quality to zoom in on any topic / concept and have the opportunity to draw along as the lecture progresses.
You will also be receiving over 500 of the highest quality medical notes that supplement and reinforce each whiteboard lecture.
The BEST part? It NEVER ends! We are consistently adding medical and nursing lectures each week to our library and are updated to our “What’s New” section on our homepage.
- What is your refund policy?+
Our refund policy is outlined in our Terms & Conditions, section 1.d.
“Unless otherwise provided for under terms of this Agreement, or at the sole discretion of Ninja Nerd, all fees are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE, and no refunds or credits will be granted, including for any unused content or partially unused period of time during the Subscription Term. You may cancel your subscription at any time, however you will not be entitled to receive a refund or credit. If in its sole discretion, Ninja Nerd issues a refund or credit, Ninja Nerd is under no obligation to issue the same or similar refund in the future.”
- When I become a member, does my subscription automatically renew?+
Absolutely! This is an automated feature for our services which allow you to continue to have access to all of our resources. Even if you have downloaded the content you need, we continue to add new content every week.
We also frequently update our content for any small spelling/grammatical errors everyday. If you find anything incorrect on our notes/illustrations, we ask that you please let us know at [email protected]
If you do not want your account to be enrolled in automatic renewal, you must cancel your account before the date it is set to renew on. This will continue your services until the expiration date, after which you will lose access to all of our resources.
- How do I cancel my subscription?+
If you wish to cancel your subscription, you can follow these instructions
- Click on the profile icon on the top right
- Choose the membership tab to the left of the pop up
- Click "Cancel"
- Click "Confirm your cancellation"
Please be aware, when you cancel your subscription, you will lose access to our services at the expiration date in your account. If you wish to resubscribe to our website at a later time, you will need to recreate an account, or contact us at [email protected].
If you fail to cancel prior to your expiration date, your account will be automatically renewed and charged.
- When I become a member, will I be able to print and download the notes & illustrations?+
You better believe it! During an active subscription to our website you have the option to print and/or download any of our notes & illustrations. The content can also be viewed on any of your preferred devices no matter where you are located!
It is a direct abuse / violation of our Terms & Conditions to download and share our resources with others who are not members of Ninja Nerd. If we are made aware of any unauthorized sharing or disbursement of our content, your account will be immediately terminated and banned.
- Can I use my subscription from multiple devices and locations?+
Absolutely! We encourage you to use your preferred device to view our content no matter where you are! You can access your subscription from as many locations and as many devices as you want and have. However, we recommend starting with a single device to view our notes, illustrations, and lectures.
Keep in mind that sharing accounts is not allowed, so simultaneous logins are not allowed. Any abuse of the Terms & Conditions will result in cancellation of your account.
- Do you offer any premium video lectures on NinjaNerd.org that differ from the lectures that are posted on the Ninja Nerd YouTube channel?+
Nope! As of now, every video we have on our YouTube channel is exactly the same as what we include on our website, NinjaNerd.org
The advantage of watching our lectures on NinjaNerd.org is that the topics are all in chronological order and are better organized by systems.
- Do you offer CME?+
At this time, we do not offer CME’s. We are hoping to implement this service in the future, once we increase the volume of pathology related lectures.