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In this lecture, Professor Zach Murphy will present on Esophagitis. We will discuss the pathophysiology, focusing on the inflammation of the esophagus caused by acid reflux, infections, or allergens. The session will transition to a digital presentation focused on the diagnostic approach, including symptoms, endoscopic findings, and histopathological examination. Finally, we will review the management strategies for Esophagitis, emphasizing lifestyle modifications, pharmacological therapy for acid suppression, and treatment of underlying infectious or allergic causes. Enjoy the lecture and support us below!

Table of Contents:

0:00 Lab

0:07 Esophagitis Introduction

0:34 Pathophysiology of Esophagitis

1:47 Complications of Esophagitis

3:50 Causes of Esophagitis

9:40 Diagnostic Approach to Esophagitis

14:50 Treatment of Esophagitis

18:08 Comment, Like, SUBSCRIBE!

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